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About Rebecca M Avery

How I got to be this way...

It's the dog's fault. If not for him, I would stay forever locked in my own imagination. He grounds me... provides me a healthy dose of reality by standing near my chair whining at me that I should stop everything and take him outside.

A message from my heart

Dear Reader,

            Welcome to my world of what ifs and maybe just maybe. The characters and plotlines in my books are a combination of personalities, memories and life experiences that I shoved into a bag, shook up with all my might, then pulled out the result and combined it with my overactive imagination. I sincerely hope you get as caught up in reading these little bits of folly as I did when I wrote them and that you’ll see a little bit of yourself in one or more characters.

            I am truly amazed at how I can fall asleep within minutes while watching a television show or movie, even in a theatre or with the surround sound on, but I can’t sleep through my own dreams. While I might be able to take or leave a film, the images a good book provokes in my mind stick with me for years. Those thoughts, ideas and feelings a story can provide feed my soul and I sincerely hope that these stories do just a little bit of that for you.

            The characters in my head have been there my whole life and they call out to me in the dark of night asking me to tell their stories. Fear kept me from letting them leave my head and make their own way in the world. Now that I am releasing them by writing down their adventures I find that I haven’t lost them at all, I’ve just made room for more.

            Leave your world for a little while and enjoy mine.

Rebecca M Avery

Miserable George

George Guignet

     On a journey to publish my very first series of books, Riding with Honor, my first major roadblock came in the form of book covers. I needed them but had no real idea where to start. As an eccentric soul, I wanted the cover to tell the story as much as the words in the manuscript. On the verge of giving up on the whole idea of actually publishing these books, my older sister (who Gretchen’s character is modeled after) introduced me to an old friend of hers.

            She didn’t tell me much about him other than that he’s a biker, a free-lance photographer and fantastic painter… and of course his name. George Guignet, known to his friends as Miserable George. I found out later that he’s done free-lance work for around 15 different publications, including working with the National Geographic.

            A free-lance photographer who was also a biker… hmmm… interesting. I sent him a friend invite and a message. Surprisingly he responded back and asked me what my books were about and what I was looking for. I wondered if he would really take my request seriously… I mean really… a bad boy and a romance author working together on a project. A couple of weeks later he emailed me the pictures of the bike that grace the covers of the books in this series.

            I was completely shocked and found it hard to believe that someone out there, that I’d never met before, ‘got’ me on such an artistic level. To say the rest is history doesn’t do our friendship justice. These days he is forever sending me pictures of not just bikes, but nature, people and interesting things that make life great.

Nothing inspires story ideas in me like photographs and artwork and he is an amazingly talented man. To give you an idea, he is very much like Chuck from this series. The creepy part was that I had Chuck’s book written before I ever sent George the first message. Fate? Maybe… Regardless, I owe George a huge thanks and a hug that I plan to deliver in person… soon.

            Visit George’s world at


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